England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On this day

September 19, 1841

Death of Charles Poulett Thomson, 1st Baron Sydenham. Whig MP for Dover 1826-32 and Manchester 1832-39. Thomson joined Earl Grey’s government in 1830 as Vice-President of the Board of Trade and Treasurer of the Navy. Under Lord Melbourne he was promoted to President of the Board of Trade in 1834 and again 1835-39. In 1839 Thomson succeeded the Earl of Durham as Governor General of Canada. As Governor, he oversaw the implementation of the Union Act of 1840 which united Upper and Lower Canada as one province. He died in Kingston, the new capital, after less than two years in office.

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We publish the Journal of Liberal History and a range of books

The Liberal Democrat History Group promotes the discussion and research of topics relating to the histories of the British Liberal Democrats and its predecessor parties, the Liberal Party and the SDP, and of liberalism more broadly.

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We aim to appeal to anyone with an interest in the history of British Liberalism, whether academics, party activists or spare-time students of political history.

Things we do:

Publish the quarterly Journal of Liberal History, containing articles, book reviews, biographies, and meeting reports

Publish books, including Peace, Reform and Liberation: A History of Liberal Politics in Britain 1679-2011Dictionary of Liberal Thought, and Great Liberal Speeches

Make resources available to students of Liberal history, including news of research in progress and guides to archive sources (see Research resources)

Provide a concise history of the Liberal Democrats and its predecessor parties, along with a more extensive set of historical articles and biographies – the Liberal History Online project, available through themes and time periods.

Publish shorter booklets as concise reference sources, including Liberal History (a concise history of the Liberal Democrats and its predecessor parties), Liberal Leaders 1828-1899Liberal Leaders of the Twentieth Century and Mothers of Liberty: Women who built British Liberalism

Organise discussion meetings, both in London and as fringe meetings at Liberal Democrat conferences

“There are hazards in everything one does, but there are greater hazards in doing nothing.”

Shirley Williams

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