England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

National Register of Archives (NRA)

The National Register of Archives (NRA) is maintained by the National Archives and contains basic information on the nature and location of manuscripts and historical records that relate to British history. You can search by Corporate, Personal, Family and Place Name and is the best place to start when looking for archive collections within the UK. There are also a limited number of listings for collections held outside the UK where the collection relates directly to the UK. Search results typically list the location of the main collection relating to the individual, family, organisation or place, but can also provide details of relevant papers in other collections held elsewhere. The site includes links to ARCHON which provides information on the archive service (see separate page) and is also increasingly linking to archive services’ own online catalogues. The NRA is updated on an annual basis meaning the information on the site is accurate and up to date.
NB: When searching for organisations only use essential terms. If you use words such as of, and etc the search will find no results.