England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Time Period: 1976-1988

  • Liberals in Local Government 1967–2017

    Report of Liberal Democrat History Group fringe meeting, Bournemouth, 17 September 2017, with Kath Pinnock, Tony Greaves, Richard Kemp, Sarah Bedford, Matt Cole and Ruth Dombey; chair: Andrew Stunell.

  • Lord Geraint of Ponterwyd

    Biography of Geraint Howells.

  • Russell Johnston, 1932-2008

    Scottish Liberal politics was dominated for over thirty years (1965-95 and beyond) by two figures: David Steel and Russell Johnston. Of the former, much has been written; of the latter, surprisingly little. I am therefore researching with a view to writing a biography of Russell. If any readers can help – with records, other written…

  • The changing face of election campaigning

    An interview with Chris Rennard, former Director of Campaigns and Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats, about election campaigning.

  • The straight line deviationist

    Review of Dick Taverne, Against the Tide (Biteback Publishing, 2014).

  • The Pact

    Review of Jonathan Kirkup, The Lib–Lab Pact – A Parliamentary Agreement, 1977–78 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

  • Churchill Archives Centre

    Liberal archives at the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge.

  • Ploughing his own furrow

    Review of Norman Baker, Against the Grain (Biteback Publishing, 2015).

  • The legacy of Roy Jenkins

    Evening meeting of the Liberal History Group, 27 June 2016, with John Campbell and David Steel. Chair: Dick Newby.