England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On this day 3-6-1965

On This Day

June 3, 1965

Happy birthday to Michael Moore, Liberal Democrat MP and cabinet minister

Born in Dundonald, Northern Ireland, Moore succeeded David Steel as MP for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale in 1997. In parliament he served in a number of front bench roles including defence, foreign affairs and international development. Following the formation of the coalition government, Moore entered the cabinet as Secretary of State for Scotland following a reshuffle caused by the resignation of David Laws. During his period in office oversaw the implementation of the 2012 Scotland Act which devolved greater tax and borrowing powers to the Scottish Government. In the October 2013 reshuffle Moore lost his post and was succeeded by Alistair Carmichael. After returning to the backbenches he successfully piloted into law a private member’s bill to enshrine the 0.7% target for government spending on international aid, the act receiving the Royal Assent in March 2015. Two months later Moore lost his seat to the SNP in the general election.