England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Types of Article: Review

  • Virtues and flaws

    Review of Richard Shannon, Gladstone: Heroic Minister 1865-1898 (Penguin Press, 1999).

  • The peers and the people

    Review of John Wells, The House of Lords: An Anecdotal History (Hodder & Stoughton, 1998).

  • The two Mr Gladstones

    Review of Travis L. Crosby, The Two Mr Gladstones (Yale University Press, 1997).

  • The watchword liberty

    Review of, 50 Years On: A History of the Association of Liberal Democrat Trade Unionists, 1947-97 (Association of Liberal Democrat Trade Unionists, 1997).

  • Radical failure

    Review of Miles Taylor, The Decline of British Radicalism 1847-1860 (Oxford University Press, 1995).

  • Keeping the peace?

    Review of T Bartlett & K Jeffrey (eds.), A Military History of Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 1996).

  • Great and terrible occasions

    Review of Christopher Silvester (ed.), The Pimlico Companion to Parliament (Pimlico, 1997).

  • ‘The only being who elects without voting, governs without law’

    Review of K. D. Reynolds, Aristrocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain (Oxford University Press, 1998).

  • The last Liberal landlord

    Review of Gerard J. De Groot, Liberal Crusader: The Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair (Hurst & Co.,1993).

  • Plugging the gaps

    Review of Duncan Brack et al (eds.), Dictionary of Liberal Biography (Politico’s Publishing, 1998).